Thursday, November 7, 2024


This blog shows the technical elements we have learned throughout media studies:

Camera Works:

Types of Camera Angles:
1) Low Angle
2) High Angle
3) Close up
4) Extreme Close Up
5) Medium Shot
6) Long Shot
7) Extreme Long Shot
8) POV (Point of View)
9) Cowboy Shot
10) Over-the-shoulder
11) Establishing Shot
12) Dutch Angle

Here is what we did in class when each group was given specific camera angles and had to draw it out on an A5 paper.

Types of Camera Movements:


Camera remains static

Calm, peace, normal

Push in

The camera moves slowly toward the subject

Brings the audience closer, more involved, and more serious. 

Pull out

The camera moves slowly away from the subject

Takes the audience away from the action, leaving a character. Detaching from subject


Side to side, the camera is fixed

Reveal information, mirrors the natural head movement of the audience. 


Up and down, the camera fixed

Same as the pan, just in a different direction


The camera moves around freely

More immersive, we are moving inside the subject world, we feel part of the action


The camera moves around on tracks

Similar to dolly, but smoother. 



Reveals the epic size of the setting, and landscape. 


Camera is shakey

Very natural, and immersive. High energy



Brings the audience closer to budget. Draws our attention to something. 

Types of Sound:

Sound design is a crucial element in the filming industry as it has the power to create realism for the audience due to it being able to convey a mood on the audience mood and emotion that can truly enhance the viewing experience. From what I have learned there are three main types of sound:





Diegetic sound

Sound that can be heard by the characters within the media text. 

Add a sense of realism. Reveal information to characters (and then the audience)

Non-diegetic sound

Sound that can only be heard by the audience.

Enhance meaning, create an emotional response in the audience

Trans diegetic sound 

Sound that transitions from one to the other. 

Creates a link between the audience and the world. More immersive

Non-diegetic sound is again divided into three types which are the following:

1) Melodic: They often give positive and pleasing connotations as they enhance a positive scene to create positive emotion in the audience.
2) Discordant: Uses harsh and unpleasant connotations to enhance negative scenes. Which creates suspense, tension, and anxiety.
3) Contrapuntal: It has an opposite tone to the on-screen values. It adds deeper meaning to scenes. Insight into the character's thoughts. Maybe they seek pleasure in doing bad things.


Miss-en-scene refers to the arrangement and design of visual elements within a frame or a scene. The main key elements are:

1) Props
2) Set Design
3) Costume
4) Hair
5) Make Up
6) Colour
7) Performance
8) Lighting 
9) Blocking
10) Focus
11) Weather
12) Environment

Film editing is the process of assembling and cutting film footage to create a finished movie. It's a vital part of the film production process, as it's responsible for giving meaning to the film and helping the audience perceive the story as the director intends. In editing, there are 2 types of takes which are:

1) Long take: Used to build suspense, and extend the feelings (feels slow)
2) Short take/ Quick Cut: Used to increase pase, high energy/excitement

There are two types of editing:

1) Continuity Editing: Straight cut, eyeliner match, Shot/ reverse shot, Cutaway/ insert
2) Non-continuity Editing: Crosscut, flashback, flash forward, jump cut

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Filming Schedule

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