Thursday, October 3, 2024

Weekly progress, Plan

This is my weekly progress for Component 1 (Semester 1 Term 2):

Week 1
This week, we learned about the media industry, including production, distribution, and exhibition. We also set up our blog and started creating a new group for our new media project. I am eager to see how this group will improve over my last term 1 group. 

Week 2
Today I learned genre more details and researched more in-depth about how convention subverts and conforms our movie research. We also researched companies and industries that do action/thriller genres to see how they would convey that genre to the audience so we could use it in our final video.

Week 3
This week we did two big researches and 6 small researches on the genre that we are aiming for. This helps us to further understand the technical elements we are aiming for to finish our final project.

Week 4
On this week we did our statement of intent for our project before progressing to the next stage. We worked as a group and created the initial ideas where we finalised our genre and audience for our final project. That week we also assigned roles to each of our groups so we have an organized and easier project.

Week 5
This week we worked on the storyboard and learned how to properly work on our storyboard. It has become my task to draw the storyboard as my other group mates would work on the technical elements needed for the scenes. This week proved to be useful as it helped us to plan ahead before doing our final project filming on set.

Week 6
This week we worked fully on our project film and finished the storyboard along with the risk assessments, and statement of intent. We also did a screen test where everyone was given a line and tried to act them in front of the class. I am very confident of my teammate and I think we will finish this project on time.

Making weekly progress allows me to keep track of what I have learned so far and goals that I needed to achieve within that week for Semester 1 (Term 2).

This is my weekly progress for Component 1 (Semester 2 Term 3):

Week 1
This week we recreated a scene from John Wick as our practice from a long holiday to refresh our filming skills. We learned a lot from this week as we now can decide who in our group has the capabilities to edit videos, film, etc.

Week 2
This week we learned about different skills in editing such as cuts, fade etc. The teacher gave us different clips that needed editing to make it into one film that made sense. We had an overall good experience as we now have a basic understanding of editing.

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Filming Schedule

This post contains the filming schedule of our final film, we did this as a group: Scene Date/Time Location People Props Equiptment Other 1 ...